NS0–162 NetApp Certified Data Administrator (ONTAP)

Nora Alexay
2 min readSep 28, 2021


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NS0–162 NetApp Certified Data Administrator (ONTAP)

Questions & Answers of NS0–162

Question 1

A user wants existing data in a FlexVol created in ONTAP 9.1 to be placed into a FlexGroup volume with ONTAP 9.8. In this scenario, which two statements are true?

A. Use XCP to copy data from a FlexVol to a FlexGroup.

B. Use SnapMirror to replicate data from FlexVol to FlexGroup.

C. You can convert the FlexVol volume to a FlexGroup volume.

D. A FlexVol to FlexGroup conversion is not supported.

Question 2

Referring to the exhibit, what would cause a customer to have an Issue with SVM eplc_fcp when mapping a namespace to a host?

A. FC has not been licensed on the cluster.

B. NVMe Is not configured for the SVM.

C. FC switch zoning has not been done correctly.

D. NVMe is not licensed on the cluster.

Question 3

You attempt to create an SVM for CIFS access only. In this scenario, which three actions must be performed to join the existing Active Directory?

A. Create DNS entries.

B. Create a data LIF.

C. Create export policies.

D. Create NTP entries.

E. Create a cluster LIF.

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Nora Alexay
Nora Alexay

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