300–610 | Designing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (DCID)

Nora Alexay
2 min readOct 5, 2021


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Get Most Important Questions & Answers

Question: 1

What is an advantage of using OTV as compared to VPLS for data center redundancy?

A. prevents loops on point-to-point links

B. provides head-end replication

C. uses a proactive MAC advertisement

D. provides full-mesh connectivity

Answer: A

Question: 2

Which multicast rendezvous point redundancy mode is valid for Bidirectional PIM?

A. Embedded RP

B. Phantom RP


D. PIM anycast RP

Answer: D

Question: 3

An engineer deploys LISP VM mobility. Which feature is configured on the interfaces that have VM mobility enabled?

A. IP redirects

B. flow control

C. proxy ARP


Answer: C

Question: 4

What are two advantages of using Cisco vPC over traditional access layer designs?

A. supports Layer 3 port channels

B. disables spanning-tree

C. no spanning-tree blocked ports

D. uses all available uplink bandwidth E. maintains single control plane

Answer: CD

For More Info Visit: CCNP Data Center



Nora Alexay
Nora Alexay

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